Old Settlers Music Festival = OSMF
This event is held on a private property located at 1616 FM3158, Dale, TX 78616. Sometimes the address shows as Tilmon, TX. This is also correct.
Where your trailer will be placed will determine when you can set your trailer up. Some trailers are for the actual event and some are for attendees. Trailers can start being brought out up to 8 days prior to the event. When bringing a trailer out this early, it will go in the staging area. It will stay in the staging area until it’s ready to be placed. The staging area is usually for owners who need to bring multiple trailers out and will have to make several trips. All are welcome to use the staging area, however, you will still need to plan to place your trailer, which will require another trip out. It is also HIGHLY recommended to plan to bring your trailer early. Not only will it be easier for you to place your trailer, you will also avoid the long line of folks trying to check in for the event.
These trailers can only be placed according to the day arranged with the event. The event offers an Early Access Pass (EAP), so if the renter purchases an EAP, the trailer can be placed early. I will encourage renters to purchase this pass if they want to be in the popular campgrounds so you can set up early.
Event trailers can usually be placed super early and at times, they HAVE to be. Like when placing a trailer prior to the stage being built or fence going up.
Regardless of when you place your trailer, your rental will still be based on the number of nights the trailer is being used.
The property is divided into 3 camping areas – Armadillo, Banjo and Collings. Banjo is the most popular and will fill up quick. It will be so much easier to place in this area if you arrive early. Banjo and Collings only have 30 amp elec. Armadillo has both 30 and 50 amp. The only exception is the ADA area within Banjo. It has a limited number of 50 amp, but can only be used by folks needing the ADA area.